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Mastering Windows: The Ultimate Guide to Net User Commands for Power Users

Unlock the power of Windows Command Prompt with the mighty "net user" command – your ultimate toolkit for managing user accounts like a pro! Whether you're a seasoned administrator or a curious beginner, this guide is your treasure map to navigating the sea of administrative tasks with ease and efficiency. Dive into our comprehensive list of "net user" commands and transform your approach to user account management on any Windows computer. Get ready to command your digital domain with confidence and skill, as we reveal the secrets to mastering user accounts with just a few clicks

Note: For these commands you often need Administrative privileges

Create a New User Account:

net user [username] [password] /add

This command creates a new user account with the specified username and password.

The above example shows the the user "Infotech" was created with the password of "blog"

Delete a User Account:

net user [username] /delete

This command deletes the specified user account from the computer.

The above example shows that the user "Infotech" was deleted

List All User Accounts:

net user

Running the command without any additional parameters lists all user accounts on the computer.

The above example shows all the listed users when the "net user" command is run

Change a User's Password

net user [username] [newpassword]

This command changes the password for the specified user account to the new password provided.

The above example shows that we changed the password for the user "Infotech" to "newblog"

View Detailed Information About a User

net user [username]

When you specify a username, this command displays detailed information about that user's account, including the account's creation time, last login, password expiration details, and more.

The above example shows the user information for the user "infotech"

Enable a User Account

net user [username] /active:yes

This command enables a user account, allowing the user to log in to the computer.

The above example shows the user "infotech" being enabled

Disable a User Account

net user [username] /active:no

This command disables a user account, preventing the user from logging in.

The above example shows the user "infotech" being disabled

Set Password to Never Expire

net user [username] /expires:never

This command sets the user's password to never expire.

The above example shows the password for user "infotech" will never expire

Set Account Expiration Date

net user [username] /expires:[date]

This command sets the expiration date for the user account. The date should be in the format MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY depending on your system's date format settings.

The above example shows the password for user "infotech" will expire on the 5th June 2024

Add User to a Group

net localgroup [groupname] [username] /add

This command adds the specified user to a group.

The above example shows adding the user "infotech" to the group "administrators" on the local machine

Remove User from a Group

net localgroup [groupname] [username] /delete

This command removes the specified user from a group

The above example shows removing the user "infotech" to the group "administrators" on the local machine



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